============================= **Stable**: Helpers to run E+ ============================= :Status: Stable - *good to use in production code* EP-Launch Functionality with eppy --------------------------------- Most people use `Ep-Launch `_ to run Energyplus simulation. The usage is straightforward. The steps are as follows: - select an idf file to run - select a epw weather file to run - hit the run button The results are generated by the run: - The result files are in the same folder as the idf file - The result files have the same name as the input file. The extension or suffix will be different. - The template objects are expanded Eppy has an idf.run() function that is a thin wrapper around the shell script that runs the simulation. The result files are not named or located in the same way as the EP-Launch does. It would be useful to have a function that runs Energyplus the same way the EP-Launch would run it. Witheppy has a function does this. It works in the following manner Try the following code:: # works with eppy > 0.5.49 fname = "witheppy/resources/idffiles/V8_5/smallfile.idf" weatherfile = "./witheppy/resources/weather/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw" import eppy idf = eppy.openidf(fname, epw=weatherfile) import witheppy.runner witheppy.runner.eplaunch_run(idf)