Stable: Helpers for eppy

Here are a couple of functions that are useful while working with eppy. The Documentations strings are quite clear on how these functions work. So follow the lnks to the documentations strings

Extensible field helpers

Most idfobjects have a fixed number of fields. But some idfobjects in Energyplus have extensible fields. These are fields that varying number of items from idfobject to ifeobject.

Some examples are ZONELIST and BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED. The ZONELISTs can have different number of ZONES. Similarly, BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED can have varying number of coordinate points. These extensible fields can be very long. It can be very cumbersome to work with this one filed at a time. There are two useful helper functions here. One converts the extensible fields to a list. The other converts the list back to an extensible field.

Take a look at:

Also look at the other helper_functions