Source code for witheppy.noteppy.rawidf

# Copyright (c) 2019 Santosh Philip
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#  Distributed under the MIT License.
#  (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
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"""read and save idf files without using eppy"""

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

[docs]def removecomment(astr, cphrase): """ the comment is similar to that in python. any charachter after the # is treated as a comment until the end of the line astr is the string to be de-commented cphrase is the comment phrase""" # linesep = mylib3.getlinesep(astr) alist = astr.splitlines() for i in range(len(alist)): alist1 = alist[i].split(cphrase) alist[i] = alist1[0] # return string.join(alist, linesep) return "\n".join(alist)
[docs]def readrawidf(fhandle): """read the idf file as a dict. Dict keys are idfobjkeys, dict values are list in list""" astr = nocom = removecomment(astr, "!") idfst = nocom scount = 0 alist = idfst.split(";") rawdata = {} for element in alist: lst = element.split(",") lst = [item.strip() for item in lst] key = lst[0].strip().upper() if not key: continue rawdata.setdefault(key, []) rawdata[key].append(lst) return rawdata
[docs]def rawidf2str(rawdata, order=None): """string rep of rawdata""" lst = [] if order: keys = order else: keys = rawdata.keys() for key in keys: try: for vals in rawdata[key]: lst.append("{},".format(key)) for val in vals[1:]: lst.append(" {},".format(val)) lst.pop(-1) lst.append(" {};".format(val)) lst.append("") except KeyError as e: continue return "\n".join(lst)